Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

 People have been asking, "How's your mom?" and my answer has been, "She is amazing!"  She has been thoroughly enjoying this holiday season, and, with a little help from her merry band of elves, doing everything from sewing homemade purses for her teacher friends, to baking holiday goodies, to making blankets for her grandkids, to shopping downtown, to fixing meals for 12.  She is AMAZING!

Many of you may know, but on December 22, we got the best news: the tumor has again shrunk, which means that her treatments can continue apace.  With the new combination of drugs and the rare nature of her tumor, success was anything but guaranteed, but Dr. Rixe assured her that things were going well.  He even said she could celebrate with a little wine over the holidays, under the following conditions: "One glass a day, and as long as it is French."  I'll drink to that!

Below are a few pictures of the Amazing One on Christmas Day.  Today we are off to Greenwood to celebrate with the Yorks!  Best wishes to all of you and thank you for your continued thoughts, prayers, love and support.

 Mimi Rosie and Jonathon (Jonathon is sporting the blanket she made for him).

 Grandma Rosie helps Esphyr open her new tea set.  It sings "I'm a Little Teapot"-- but only when you tip it over and pour it out, as we discovered.  :)

 Sonny sports his blanket, cape style.  And below, the grand girls have a tea party on Lola's blanket.  Further below is a little video of Sonny trying out his new game with Allie, Rosie, J, and Harlan looking on.  (There is no sound, so don't worry if you don't hear anything!)


  1. I'm so glad that you all had a wonderful Christmas. When I have my daily glass of wine I will raise my glass to Ms. Rosie. Take care and give hugs to all.

    Leah Ott

  2. Thanks for all of the wonderful words. The spirit your family is known for shines through, and it's contagious. Keep up the good work! Much love to you all,
    Stephanie and the Bosmas :)

  3. Yes, thanks for this wonderful update! It's really great being able to follow this blog and check in on what's going on in Kelly land...sounds like you all had a great holiday! Yay! You guys are on my mind, and I'll keep reading along and sending good vibes your way!


    Sarah (Van Wart)
