Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First Update of 2011

Mom is doing great after her most recent round of chemo.  She went into it with a bit of a cold, which worsened after she returned home from Cincinnati.  Dr. Rixe called in a Z-Pack for her and that seemed to help a lot.  We got to hang out with her last night and she looked and sounded much better.  We had pizza for dinner and then she played Crazy Eights with Sonny.  She had been busy earlier in the day, too.  Rather than nap, she helped my dad assemble juggle ball sets for his Western Kentucky tour this week.  She folded several loads of laundry, too!

As we were leaving, her sister Jane was on her way from North Vernon for a sister slumber party.  :)  Life is good!

1 comment:

  1. We are so happy to hear good news! Thinking of you....Kathy
