Friday, July 30, 2010

The Eyes Have It

Mom's vision was a little better this morning! Hooray! That probably means the tumor is shrinking. The alternating overnight plan worked beautifully the first go round. Natalie drove her in today. They should be getting home soon. And then... (drumroll) a weekend off to recover! More hooray!

Thanks for checking in. We'll keep you posted.

Much love,


  1. I'm so thankful Jill. We are always praying and your family is never far from my mind or heart.

  2. so happy to hear this! i keep thinking of her descriptive words: "healing rays." :-)

  3. Rosie, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I,too, loved the "healing rays" description. You were alwalys an upbeat person of great strength.
    Cindy (Geyman)Cline

  4. What wonderful, beautiful news, Jill. Here's hoping and praying for a restful, peaceful, healing weekend for Paul and Rose. We love you all.

  5. Rosie - we'll keep praying and you keep fighting! Much love and prayers!
    Dawn, Jessica and Katelyn Moore

  6. Thanks for the blogging, Jill! Rosie is in our constant thought and prayer. We love to hear such good news! The healing love is a powerful thing!
    Merritt and Carolyn
