Friday, September 10, 2010

Line the Finish Line!

It has been an intense but good week.  Chemo and radiation every day, schedule changes, blood transfusions, you name it.  But mom had a great attitude and is feeling great.  She, Natalie, Allie, and Lola are enroute home right now and are about an hour and twenty minutes away.  If you want to meet us up at Paul and Rosie's house on Dugan Hollow, bring a lawn chair and we will line the drive and cheer her on as she enters.  Don't plan to stay; we love you, but she'll need to rest when she gets home.  :)   But wouldn't it be great to show her all our support as she crosses the finish line?  Call me if you need directions or have questions:  812.599.0611.


  1. What an AWESOME idea. I wish we could have been there to see it. We are cheering her on though!!!

  2. She has run the good race!!!! She is rounding third and heading for home as the Red's announcer used to say. This is wonderful news and an answer to bunches of prayers. Rosie, you are loved beyond measure and the Lord's plan is unfolding for you and filled with His love and Spirit. Peace and rest in the palm of His hand. Lots of love to all - Dorothy
