Saturday, February 19, 2011

Numbers Low, Spirits High

So mom's blood work numbers were a little off this week (low white cell blood count), but you wouldn't have known it from the way she has been feeling.  This week alone, she has gone for a two mile hike, attended Julie Rubio's yoga (with dad!!!), volunteered for the Prince of Peace auction, fixed a beautiful chicken soup with rice, and today she is off to Clifty for a Thimbleberries retreat with her sister, Jane.  Whew!  It's exhausting just to type all that.  But as long as Mom has her nap each day, she is full of energy.

Dr. Rixe was a little concerned about the numbers, so we are planning to meet with him next week and go over next steps.  Because of the rarity of her tumor (fewer than a hundred people in the United States are currently affected by a SNUC), treatments are very individualized.  So we will see how it goes next Wednesday.  In the meantime, I hope you are all well and enjoying this little burst of sunshine we have had.  Spring will come, after all!

Much love,


  1. Glad to hear she has so much gusto! We will continue the prayers and look forward to hearing what the next step is. Much love to all of you!! (PS - Love the new backdrop to the blog).

  2. Evidently, there is no stopping a determined York-Kelly, (a very powerful combination indeed)

    Mother Guerin, please heal Ms. Rosie's tumor!
