Thursday, July 29, 2010

Good Days

Mom has had a couple of good days. She was up and talkative before setting out for Cincinnati yesterday. She ate well. My in-laws are in town, and she had a good visit with them. They are trying out a new schedule of radiation in the afternoon one day, stay overnight, radiation in the morning, then home. That minimizes the driving time (which seems to wear her out-- as it would me or any healthy person!). So we'll see how it goes.

Also, more good news: Dr. (Tom) Lisle checked her eyes this week and even though her vision is still limited, the eyes seem to be in good shape. So we are hoping it is just pressure from the tumor that is causing temporary loss of vision and not permanent damage. That seems to be the case.

Stay tuned and thanks again for all the good energy. It must be working!



  1. So glad to hear things are going well.
    Love the blog and getting regular news - we pass this on to Grandmommy (Aunt Margaret)- you know she has a direct line to the Big Guy !!
    You are all surrounded in our prayers-
    Love, Judy

  2. If she doesn't, no one does! :) Thanks, Judy! Much love,
