Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Steady As She Goes / Send Joy

Hello everyone,

Hope this post finds you warm and well in this frozen wonderland (as in, I wonder if spring will come this year?  I know it always does, but what if...?).   Just to give you the latest on Mom, she is doing okay.  And by okay, I mean, everything seems medically stable, she is able to keep down the two Trentals per day (Dr. Warnick okay'ed reducing the dose from three to two), and the Zofran seems to be making the nausea bearable if not imperceptible.  So all of that's the good news.  It's a delicate balance.

And speaking of delicate balance, Mom's balance has been a bit of a challenge of late.  If you have seen her recently, you might have noticed her being a little wobbly.  That is fairly new, and she says the Zofran makes her dizzy, so that could be the cause.  (A big part of my learning through this whole process is that treatments aren't always a treat; rather, they are often the cause of their own host of anti-treats.)  She is also really tired, and so even when she decides to go out and do something, she often loses steam before making it out the door.  So as I was lying in bed last night mulling this over, I thought maybe, if you are so inclined, you could send her some good old-fashioned snail mail.  This blog is great for me because I get so much good feedback from it, but she has not been able to use the computer much (or at all) lately, so a round of cards, postcards, letters might be in order.  She's gotten so much good mail throughout this ordeal, and she really appreciates every card and letter.  She shows me almost every piece of mail she gets with an air of wonder, like, "Can you believe this person thought of me?"

With all this crazy weather, I know it's been hard for everyone to get out.  So maybe we can write each other.  If you need her address, please let me know and I'll get it to you.  Tell her how YOU are doing-- what's new with you?

Thanks so much-- for reading, for caring, for supporting, for being part of this.


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