Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Little Better

Spoke to Dad yesterday morning.  Mom had had a good two hours or so of clarity in the morning, then got a little foggy.  Dad called again later in the afternoon.  Mom had taken a good long nap and was feeling very clear.  I even spoke to her and we had a nice conversation.  She sounded like herself!  So that's the good news for the day.  I feel very encouraged by this because it means that (a) some of the medicines might be working, and (b) with rest, she seems better, which might indicate that all of this discombobulation (that's the word I was looking for last time) is in fact a temporary condition and will improve with rest and time.

So we're feeling encouraged and wanted to pass that along.  Will post again after I talk to Dad today. 


1 comment:

  1. Jill, to support your idea, Sharon and I noticed when we visited that Rosie was very clear when we first arrived but became more "discombobulated" when she got tired. The answer is more rest;<) I guess we all respond in a similar way to lack of rest. The Vande's are continuing to send "Healing Rays" to Rosie and the rest of your family. Love, Tom
