Monday, August 9, 2010

Big Week Ahead

Well, now Mom has visited Salon Natalie and has a sleek Sinead O' Connor look. Her hair was starting to fall out a bit, and she didn't want to hassle with the longer hairs.

The weekend was restful in the sense that she had no appointments, but the steroids are making it hard for her to relax. She is taking it like champ, though, and put herself to bed last when she felt too tired. She's always been good at that, though, and a joke in our family is to repeat the often-heard phrase of mom's: "I've got to go to bed!" So that habit is serving her well right now.

Yesterday, we presented her with the quilt made by Annie Schroeder and all those who contributed a square. She absolutely loved it, and it was a bright spot in the day, literally, as it is made of beautiful yellows and purples with flowers and butterflies and even spider webs. A perfect garden for mom. Even better, she was able to read all the squares and absorb the prayers and well-wishes of everyone herself. (Picture to come soon!)

Thank you so much to the army of friends and family who continue to bring food, snacks, love, and supportive presence to mom and to our family. We appreciate it more than you know.

Coming up this week, she has her MRI Tuesday which will determine whether doses will remain high or be reduced. Keep your fingers crossed!!

Coming up NEXT week, mark your calendars for Red Pepper for Rosie on Thursday, August 19th. Come out and enjoy good food ("Boo-yah!" says Sonny) while you show your support for Rosie's healing rays.

Much love,


  1. Stella has been in a Boo-yeah! phase as well.... odd. Rosie, welcome to the "land of the shorn" I've been a member since 1998 and it's GREAT!

    Love you all, thanks for the continual updates.

  2. Thinking of you and your family! Lots of love from Austin - Luz

  3. Robert Heavrin (one of the Barber clan, Beverly's son) here. Just learned about your mom and will be thinking about her and your family. The blog entries are great. Keep them coming!
