Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Natalie Notes

Harlan and I drove mom to get radiation today. She had a good morning and was happy and talkative the whole way up. We got to walk her back to the radiation room to get her settled before her treatment. There is something about seeing and knowing where mom is going to be that is comforting. We also met with her radiation doctors, Dr. Guarnaschelli and Dr. Mackenzie, after the treatment. They were both very encouraged about mom's increase in eyesight. Dr. Guarnaschelli gave her a vision test with a chart in the hallway. Mom could read letters on the chart with both her right and left eye. Before she couldn't read anything from a chart right in front of her. The left eye was about 20/50 and the right was slightly better. We were all surprised, even mom. They also felt like the swelling on her face was going down and commented on being able to see the bridge of her nose. We stopped by Dr. Lyle's office on the way home. He also had good things to report. So far the inside of her eye continues to look healthy. The radiation treatments do continue to make her real tired, but that is expected. She can tell a difference in her energy level from the ride up to having it "zapped" out on the way home.

I have been cautious about feeling excited about how things are going, but it was very reassuring when Dr. MacKenzie said, in a very assertive tone of voice, "This is progress." So I will hang onto those words with a happy heart until the next evaluation next week.

Thank you, thank you for all the love and concern for our mamma.


  1. Continued prayers and love to Ms. Rosie from the Moore family.

    Dawn, Jessica and Katelyn

  2. so good to hear from you Natalie! I am just so thankful for this progress. We have a big group of people in Nashville praying for her regularly! love to all of you!

  3. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you every day. Your report sounds oh so encouraging! Tell Miss Rosie that if she is up for company I'll be up to see her when I return from Denver. Love to you all.

  4. How wonderful. We love you all and we pray for your multiples times a day!! (Thomas is especially good at remembering to!)

  5. Thanks for all the prayers everyone. We sooo appreciate them! And @Sharon (and anyone else who might be considering a visit) please do! Just remember, leave the fresh cut flowers at home. :) Bring yourselves and your smiles. Rosie would love to see you.

