Tuesday, August 10, 2010


As mom was getting ready to leave this morning, she wanted me to be sure to post that she felt extremely peaceful, mostly because she can feel the prayers of everyone in this community (and beyond) lifting her up and her family up. She feels so grateful and overwhelmed. She wanted to say that she felt "excited" and "ready to do this!"

And boy, did we get lifted high today. Dr. G. shared the preliminary results of the MRI, and the tumor shrank even more than anyone expected. According to Dad, Dr. G., who is a former ballerina, practically leaped into the room and went straight to Mom. She was almost as excited as they were. Praise the Lord and Hallelujah!

We're not sure what exactly this means for the rest of her treatment. We'll find out more details at tomorrow's meeting with the oncologist. But it can only mean good things!

It's working!!! Keep the vibes flowing and know that we are sending out waves of gratitude in answer.



  1. Thank you God! Such good news and I believe in the power of prayer! <3

  2. I'm beyond thrilled for your whole family and especially Rosie today! I have been keeping you in my prayers and especially yesterday thought of you a lot! Praying for total healing! With Hope, Faith and Love all things are possible!
    hugs, nicole c.

  3. That is fantastic news! Rosie is part of Jack's prayers at night and when I told him the good news, I thought he was going to cry. His eyes lit up and he said "it's working"! Oh...the power of prayer! We love you!

    Jenny Neff
